Diamond Member

John Morgan

Attorney John Morgan

Personal Injury Lawyer @ Morgan & Morgan

Attorney John Morgan was inspired to become a plaintiff lawyer when his brother Tim sustained a spinal cord injury while working as a lifeguard at Disney World as a young man, and then was denied justice for his catastrophic and permanent injury.

In 1988, John founded Morgan and Morgan, under the belief that the firm would represent the people, not the powerful. Tim’s tragedy became John’s life’s work. Today, John’s passion about the indignity Tim suffered continues to drive him to build the largest personal injury firm in America. To this day, John has run Morgan and Morgan, promising never to take a case representing an insurance carrier or large company..

Morgan and Morgan is the largest plaintiff firm in the United States and employs more than 700 attorneys and thousands of legal support staff members. Twenty-five years after the firm’s inception, “For the People” continues to be a way of life for John Morgan and the firm.

Recent Projects

  • The fight for a $15 hourly minimum wage in Florida.
  • Marijuana Legalization in Florida.
  • The Morgan & Morgan Safe Home for Victims of Domestic Violence.
  • Matt Morgan’s Community Bail Fund (A Fair Shot at Justice).

Book Published

  1. In 2011, John proudly released his first book titled You Can’t Teach Hungry: Creating the Multimillion Dollar Law Firm,” on which he frequently lectures.
  2. His second book, You Can’t Teach Vision,” builds on the groundwork established in You Can’t Teach Hungry, laying out a road map to a sustainable law practice.
Diamond-Level Lifetime Member