Successful Verdicts

Membership Qualifications

In order to be accepted into membership at, the applying attorney must meet the following qualifications.

Applicant must be a practicing attorney and member of the Bar in good standing.


Each case referenced in the membership application must be one of the following:

  • Trial Verdict or Jury Award;
  • Arbitration or Mediation Agreement;
  • Final Settlement.

Applying attorney must have acted as principal counsel in each case cited.

When referencing a litigated case, principal counsel refers to the lead trial attorney. When referencing a case settled prior to litigation, principal counsel can refer to either the firm's principal attorney or the associate/partner attorney most heavily involved in the case.

Applicants must be able to provide enough information for recoveries to be verified.

While the information you provide in your application will not be published, shared, or made public, we know that the terms of many settlements are strictly confidential. In such cases, applicants may provide a non-identifying summary of the case and recovery to the extent permitted by the release agreement.

When citing a jury verdict or trial decision, there must have been entry of a "final judgment."

This judgment must be entered and not subject to change or appeal. If damages are statutorily limited (e.g., punitive/malpractice caps), the final entered judgment is to be considered the total recovery amount.

Membership Qualifications